A very warm welcome to our website.
This website is specially created for you and anyone who wishes to know and is seeking our professional advices and services on noise, hearing conservation, air and toxic substances monitoring, lighting and thermal stress managements, etc.
With this website, we hope to provide you with useful information on acoustics and noise issues, air and toxic substances as well as on other physical environmental aspects such as indoor thermal and lighting levels, etc.
Our website also provides useful information on our professional services in all the above mentioned aspects of our living and working environments.
Herein, we are pleased to introduce Acoustical Laboratory Pte Ltd’s Profile, Objectives, Mission and of course our many consultancy services and customised noise control solutions/products

About Our Company
Acoustical Laboratory Pte Ltd (AcLab) is an established and well regarded acoustic and environmental consultancy company in Singapore.
Established since 1996, the Company has since provided acoustical and environmental consultancy services including noise, air and toxicity substances monitoring and control services as well as hearing conservation programs and courses to the various industries in Singapore. Throughout all these years, Acoustical Laboratory Pte Ltd, AcLab, had provided quality and value for money services to the public and private sectors from various industries as well as private individuals.
We have in the course of services to the industries, assisted a number of our Clients to successfully win the National Noise Control Awards.
Since incorporation in 1996, Acoustical Laboratory Pte Ltd has become a reputable and leading environmental and acoustical consultancy in Singapore and the region.
Our consultants and officers are approved by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower to carry out workplace noise and air monitoring for the various industries.
Our Principal Consultant, Dr. Tan Kok Yang, has been offering his professional services in Acoustics, Noise Monitoring and Control, Dosimetry and Hearing Conservation since 1997. Acoustical Laboratory Pte Ltd has also been approved by the Australian Transport Authority, 2012 to carry out field noise tests for road vehicles.